
Get Involved

Patterson Elementary School relies heavily on the generous hearts of parent volunteers that offer their time and services to help the school provide for our students.  Your Patterson PTO is tasked with helping to find wonderful parents like you who can provide a bit of time when needed.  There are a variety of ways to get involved and donate your time at Patterson.  Some take an hour, others may be a year long commitment.  If you are available during school hours, there is something for you!  Are you busy during the daytime but available on a Saturday?  We have something for you as well!  Do you have a little one at home and can’t get away from the house?  Well, we can send a project home!   

We really appreciate the time and efforts that each and every one of our volunteers puts into making our school so wonderful for all of our students!  Thank you for what you do!

Copy Room Sign Up

After you have been through the formal training, we urge you to please sign up for a one-hour copy and workroom shift.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Copy and Work Room Committee
  • Room Parents *
  • Art Masterpiece Guides *
  • Event Volunteers
  • Event Planning and Preparation
  • Book Fair Volunteers
  • Candy Gram Assembly
  • Progress for Patterson (P4P)
  • And More!

* Volunteer opportunities may vary due to COVID-19 restrictions